Terms & Conditions

Please read these terms and conditions carefully.

Mobile Beauty and Spa Service Provider
These terms and conditions ("Agreement") set forth the legally binding terms and conditions between Hometreat Spa Ltd (referred to as "Provider," "we," "us," or "our") and the customer (referred to as "Client," "you," or "your") regarding the provision of mobile beauty and spa services in Cyprus. By booking and using our services, you agree to comply with these terms and conditions.

Customer Terms and Conditions

Please carefully read these terms and conditions.

We are Hometreat Spa (referred to as "Hometreat Spa," "we," "us," or "our"), and these terms of use, along with any documents referred to below (collectively, the "Terms"), govern your legal relationship with Hometreat Spa in relation to your use of our web application and our Mobile App "Hometreat Spa" (accessible from Apple iOS and Google Android – the "App"). The Site and App together form the "Platform" and are further defined below. Your use of the Platform and any services provided through the Platform (referred to as "Services") shall be subject to these terms and conditions. By using the Platform and/or booking any Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to any of these Terms, you must stop using the Platform and/or any Services.


App: Refers to the mobile application "Hometreat Spa" (accessible from Apple iOS and Google Android), operated by Hometreat Spa to facilitate bookings by customers.
Booking: The booking of services by a customer and the confirmation of acceptance of that booking by a service provider, all done through the Platform.
Cancellation and Refund Policy: Our policy regarding the cancellation of bookings and refunds (Find further below).
Customer or you: An individual who books services through the Platform and receives those services from a service provider. "Your" shall be construed accordingly.
Customer Charge: The total amount payable by the customer, including any applicable taxes.
Service Provider: The professional providing services to customers through the Platform.
Platform: Hometreat Spa's software platform and application, including the Site and App, which allows individuals to book beauty and spa services to be provided at their location of choice.
Platform Services: Provision of the Site and App by Hometreat Spa for the purpose of facilitating bookings of services, connecting customers with service providers, and managing payments for bookings, along with related services, but excluding the provision of the actual services.

Privacy Policy: Our privacy policy, the current version of which can be viewed https://hometreatspa.com/privacy-policy/.

Reviews: Reviews provided by either a customer or a service provider about the other party's services, as part of the Platform's quality control and feedback system.

Modification of Terms
We reserve the right to change, modify, or alter these Terms at any time without prior notice. You can review the latest version of these Terms https://hometreatspa.com/terms-conditions/. By continuing to use the Platform or our Services after we have posted modifications to these Terms, you indicate your agreement to be bound by the modified Terms.

The Platform and Services are intended solely for individuals who are 18 years of age or older. Use of the Platform or Services by anyone under 18 is expressly prohibited. By accessing or using the Platform or Services, you represent and warrant that you are 18 or older.

Our Services
Hometreat Spa provides customers with the opportunity to book a range of beauty and spa services to be delivered at their preferred location, such as their home or workplace, by connecting them with a network of independent service providers.
Our Platform serves as the technology through which we provide Platform Services to facilitate connections between customers seeking services and the service providers using our Platform. We offer the Platform Services, including booking management and acting as a payment collection agent on behalf of service providers.
Hometreat Spa does not directly provide the services booked through the Platform, and we do not employ any of the service providers. We are not healthcare providers and do not offer medical advice or treatments.
To ensure the quality and safety of our service providers, we require them to provide evidence of their qualifications, and relevant background checks.
We do not guarantee or warrant the reliability, quality, or suitability of the service providers, and we assume no responsibility or liability for the performance of service providers.

Booking Process
Customers may book various services through the Platform at their preferred times. To make a booking, you should follow the instructions on the Platform and provide the necessary information. Hometreat Spa makes reasonable efforts to find a service provider available for the requested time. If a service provider is not available, alternative options will be suggested.
Once a service provider is available for the requested time, Hometreat Spa will confirm the booking via email. Customers will be required to make payment through the Platform's payment system or cash upon delivery of the service. For details regarding cancellations and refunds, please refer to our Cancellation and Refund Policy.

For each booking, customers are required to pay the Customer Charge, the amount of which is indicated on the Platform at the time of booking. Hometreat Spa collects a service fee from the service provider for each booking, and the remainder is the Service Provider's Fee.
The Service Provider's Fee is payable to the relevant service provider for the services provided. Hometreat Spa may collect the Service Provider's Fee on behalf of the service providers or arrange for direct payment to service providers through a third-party payment system.
We reserve the right to amend the fees at any time at our discretion.

Appropriateness of Services
Customers are responsible for ensuring that the services they book are appropriate for their needs and health conditions. It is important to inform the service provider of any pre-existing medical conditions that may affect the service's suitability. Customers must complete any required consultations accurately and provide up-to-date information. If unsure about the suitability of a service, consult with a qualified medical practitioner before proceeding.

Customer Conduct
We expect customers to treat service providers with courtesy and respect and to provide a safe and appropriate location for service delivery. Service providers may refuse to perform services if the location is deemed unsafe or if customers behave in a discourteous or inappropriate manner. We reserve the right to restrict access to the Platform Services if a customer's behavior is deemed inappropriate.

Privacy and Data Protection
Customer privacy is important to us. All personal and other information collected through the Platform is processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Use of the Platform
The Platform is for personal and non-commercial use only. It is intended for use only by those who can access it from within Cyprus. While we aim to make the Platform as accessible as possible, if you encounter difficulties, please contact us at info@hometreatspa.com. We may suspend or terminate your access to the Platform if you fail to comply with these Terms, any referenced terms or policies, or applicable laws.

As part of our quality control and feedback system, we may request reviews from customers and service providers about each other's services. It is important not to provide false or misleading information in reviews. Reviews may be used to determine the appropriateness of users on the Platform. Inappropriate conduct may result in account cancellation.

Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights
Hometreat Spa owns the Platform and all associated intellectual property rights. These rights include copyright, trademarks, domain names, design rights, database rights, patents, and other intellectual property rights. You are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Platform for personal or internal business use, as permitted by law. You may not distribute, rent, lease, sell, transfer, sublicense, copy, decompile, reverse-engineer, or modify the Platform, except as permitted by open-source licensing terms, and applicable laws.
Hometreat Spa's trademarks, trade names, and logos are protected and may not be used without prior written permission.

Accuracy and Availability
We strive to keep the Platform accurate and up-to-date but cannot guarantee it will be error-free or suitable for all purposes. We may suspend or terminate Platform operation at any time, such as for maintenance or other administrative purposes or due to circumstances beyond our control. While we aim to minimize disruptions, we do not guarantee uninterrupted use of the Platform.

Hyperlinks and Third-Party Sites
The Platform may contain hyperlinks or references to third-party websites. Such links are provided for convenience only. We have no control over third-party websites and assume no responsibility for their content, materials, or information. The display of hyperlinks does not imply our endorsement of those third-party websites.

We provide the Platform Services only and do not directly offer services or employ service providers. We do not guarantee or warrant the performance of service providers, and we are not healthcare providers. Information on the Platform is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. We do not guarantee the suitability, security, or availability of the Platform or Services.

Limitation of Liability
Hometreat Spa is not liable for any damages arising from transactions between customers and service providers. We are not responsible for service provider conduct, errors in providing Services, or any disruptions to the Platform or Platform Services. Our liability is limited to the amount of commission received for a specific booking.
Use of the Platform and Platform Services is at your own risk, and we are not liable for direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages, including loss of data or profits, arising from Platform use.

You agree to defend and indemnify us from and against any claims, causes of action, demands, recoveries, losses, damages, fines, penalties or other costs or expenses of any kind or nature including but not limited to reasonable legal and accounting fees, that arise from or relate to your use or misuse of, or access to the Platform and/or Platform Services or otherwise from your violation of these Terms.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Effective Date: 18/09/2023

1. Cancellation of Bookings
Customers may request the cancellation of their booked services through the Hometreat Spa Platform. The cancellation policy is as follows:
1.1 Cancellation Period:
Cancellations made 24 Hours or more before the scheduled service appointment are eligible for a full refund.
Cancellations made within 24 Hours of the scheduled service appointment may be subject to a cancellation fee, as determined by Hometreat Spa.
1.2 Cancellation Request:
To cancel a booking, customers must log in to their Hometreat Spa account or contact our customer support team at info@hometreatspa.com
Please provide your booking details, including your name, booking date, and service details, when requesting a cancellation.
2. Refund Policy
2.1 Refund Eligibility:
Refunds for cancellations will be processed based on the cancellation policy outlined in Section 1.
Refunds are issued to the original payment method used for booking.
2.2 Refund Processing Time:
Refunds will be processed within 5 Business Days of the cancellation request approval.
2.3 No-Show Policy:
If a customer does not show up for a scheduled service appointment without prior cancellation or notification, no refund will be issued.
2.4 Service Provider Cancellations:
In the event that a service provider cancels a confirmed booking, customers will be eligible for a full refund of any payments made.
3. Rescheduling
3.1 Rescheduling Request:
Customers may request to reschedule a booking by contacting our customer support team at info@hometreatspa.com
3.2 Rescheduling Policy:
Rescheduling is subject to availability and must be requested at least 48 Hours prior to the scheduled service appointment.
Hometreat Spa will make reasonable efforts to accommodate rescheduling requests but cannot guarantee availability.
4. Contact Information
For any questions or concerns related to cancellations, refunds, or rescheduling, please contact our customer support team at:
Email: info@hometreatspa.com
5. Policy Updates
Hometreat Spa reserves the right to update or modify this Cancellation and Refund Policy at any time. Updates will be reflected on our website and within the Hometreat Spa Platform.

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